Year Five/Six News 

As the term draws to a close, the 5/6 teachers would just like to congratulate the students for all the hard work that they have put in, during what has been a very challenging time. We are super excited to welcome Candice Skinner, who will be taking over from Hannah Missen for the remainder of the year. With the weather starting to shape up, with it comes some excitement and positivity for what's to come in Term Four. 


See below some of the topics we have been looking at during remote learning over the past two weeks.

Themes & Big Ideas

In reading, students have been looking at fiction texts and thinking about some of the underlying themes and big ideas.


Big idea= a one word abstract idea or concept that recurs in a text eg. Perseverance.

Theme= the message (what the story teaches readers) eg. Never give up when things get difficult.


In writing, students have been looking at procedures. In particular the structure and identifying language features. Students have written procedures on how to play board or card games, how to get from point a to point b as well as some procedures of the students' choice. 

Mapping & Cartesian Coordinates

In maths, students have been looking at grid referencing and plotting Cartesian Coordinates. A VIP (very important point) to remember, is that we always start at the origin (0,0) and we always go along the x axis first, then up or down the y axis. Another way we have learnt to remember this is that we always crawl before we climb. Have a look at some of the coordinate activities we have completed below. 

Colonisation & Federation

Last week in Integrated Studies, the students looked at the colonisation of Australia and the impacts it has had on Indigenous Peoples. We compared some of the old maps of Australia to today, looked at the timeline leading up to federation and have investigated reasons behind why the British wanted to colonise Australia. This week, we have been looking at the reasons why Australia decided to bring it's six separate British colonies together and federate.