Friends of Health and Wellbeing (FHWB)

Friends of Health and Wellbeing
A reminder to parents that you are very welcome to attend the Friends of Health and Wellbeing (FHWB) meetings that occur once per term.
The FHWB is a group that is made up of interested staff, parents, students and community members.
Working in cooperation with the Principal and School Council, the Friends of Health and Wellbeing’s aims and objectives are to:
- contribute to the wellbeing of the school community
- encourage the participation of all parents in the life of the school and the education of their children
- provide opportunities for parents to get to know each other and to be informed about their child’s school
- provide opportunities for parents to extend their understanding of school operations, and general education policy
- contribute to proposals on school policy and other educational issues (as identified or discussed with the Principal or School Council)
- raise funds for the benefit of the school
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns have had an incredible impact on our community and we know that we still have many challenges ahead!
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 26th October at 6.30pm via videoconference.
Please contact to express your interest and to receive videoconference details.
Darren Murray and Libby Whiting