Innovation challenge from Engineers Without Borders and University of Melbourne - students in Year 9-10 - a fantastic opportunity! Not to be missed - there are only 8 positions.
Program Details:
Over three days, students will work in teams to explore the social, economic and environmental implications behind technological innovations and projects around the world. The challenge is centred around a range of engaging hands-on and virtual activities to show students the importance of teamwork, communication and community consultation in problem solving.
The Innovation Challenge is hosted virtually, by the Engineers Without Borders University of Melbourne Chapter and is run by volunteers studying a variety of disciplines at different levels. Participants will get the chance to interact with current university students and gain an understanding of day-to-day university life, subjects and course pathways.
At the completion of the main challenge, students will present their team’s proposal to a panel of judges. After assessing all submissions and providing valuable feedback, the top three projects will be awarded prizes.
Schools are invited to either nominate up to eight students in Years 9-10 to participate in the program, or share the information with parents who can sign up students individually. Please note, if your school has participated in the program previously, we recommend sending students that have NOT previously participated.
The challenge will begin 10am Friday 26th November 2021 and will run until 5pm Sunday 28th November 2021.
There are no costs associated with this year's program.
Registration to close on Monday 25th October 2021
To register please contact Mrs Nair or Mr Mulhall on Teams.