Food Technology News

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Lace Pancakes

Try for 5, pack more veg into your day

Mood Foods

According to Nutrition Australia, only 7.5% of Australian adults are consuming the recommended 5 serves of veg each day. 


Our Food students have been undertaking activities exploring which foods can improve your mood and energy levels as well as ways to pack more veggies into their day. 


Checkout Nutrition Australian Website and the Mood Food centre for some tremendous insight and recipes to try:


Ms Robertson



It’s Katie from Food Tech. 

Here is a quick yummy healthy snack to make.

Enjoy as a mid-morning snack or an afternoon pick me up.


Nut Free Chocolate Bliss Balls



1 Cup sunflower seeds

1 Cup dates

1 Cup raisins

¼ cup cocoa

1 Tblsp coconut oil

Desiccated coconut to roll



  1. Put all dry ingredients except the desiccated coconut into a food processor
  2. Blitz, be patient it will take around 5 minutes to form a ball
  3. Roll spoonfuls into balls
  4. Roll the balls in desiccated coconut
  5. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving



Cranberry & Orange Energy Balls



Rind of 1 orange

1 Tbls orange juice

1 Cup sunflower seeds

½ Cup dates

½ Cup cranberries

1 Cup raisins

¼ Cup cocoa

1 Tbsp melted copha

Desiccated coconut to roll



  1. Put everything except the desiccated coconut into a food processor
  2. Blitz, be patient it will take around 5 minutes for the mixture to form a ball
  3. Roll spoonful’s into balls
  4. Roll the balls in desiccated coconut
  5. Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving

Take care of yourself
