Art News

Protein Data Bank Europe (PDBArt Project) 


Gwin H, Rat Companion, wool, cotton fabric, acrylic, beading, 2021
Emma S, 270 degrees of Uncertainty, Triptych, Acrylic on canvas, 2021
Kasey G, Changing Emotions, Watercolour on arches paper, 2021
Mia D, Have we met? Mixed media on ply, 2021
Gwin H, Rat Companion, wool, cotton fabric, acrylic, beading, 2021
Emma S, 270 degrees of Uncertainty, Triptych, Acrylic on canvas, 2021
Kasey G, Changing Emotions, Watercolour on arches paper, 2021
Mia D, Have we met? Mixed media on ply, 2021

Over the last 18 months during the Covid 19 pandemic our fabulous Year 11 students from 2020-21 have worked with Structural Biologist Onisha Patel from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI). 

Through delivery of online tutorials and class room visits when permitted she has helped students navigate the data bank to explore the beauty of molecules that interested each student on a personal level.  

Veena Nair our STEAM Coordinator and I have particularly loved seeing students who had no particular interest in science generate art works that drove their curiosity to discover more through their research.  It has been amazing to see the student directed learning that has taken place in both scientific discovery and their studio practises as young artists.  It has also been really impressive to see students doing a lot of the scientific and studio inquiry in the remote context lessons. 


You can visit the recent exhibition held in the UK on the link below. 

To hear interviews from our fantastic students you can play it from 42.25 to 47.35. 

You can also visit the virtue exhibition here


We would also like to invite you to visit the The Bank gallery space at Viewbank College to see all the student works in the end of year exhibition in late November.  


I have also attached several links where our students work from 2020 has recently been published in science articles on the PDBe website. 

Not only is it fantastic to see student artworks published but also the articles are fascinating and definitely worth the read.

Jiaxi X 2020

Abdi A 2020



Ms Lisa White 

VCE Studio Arts