Principal's Page 

From Christian's desk....

Have a safe and enjoyable break!

On behalf of our staff, I wish all community members well for an enjoyable break. Collectively we’ve achieved so much this term.  Online learning has once again been a success with students, families and staff partnering to ensure our most prized possessions are well catered for!

As always, I encourage you all to enjoy doing the things that make you happy!  Spend time outside, read lots of books, enjoy creating and, A MUST, have a pyjama day! 

Term 4 – Onsite or Remote?

Regarding onsite or remote education delivery for Term 4, at this stage it’s a ‘wait and see’.  Please see the Assistant Principal's page for more information from Carol Wyatt.

Fun Friyay – Footy Fun Day & Whole School Assembly 

All the best for our last day of term tomorrow.  Learning will be footy themed!  It’s a little different that our traditional Footy Roadshow at school but it’s sure to be just as much fun! Don’t forget to tune in for our Whole School Assembly tomorrow at 1:00pm.  See Compass or your Learning Level Remote Learning Website for the Zoom Link.

For those with children in the onsite program tomorrow, please remember that all children must be picked up by 1.30pm.

Christian Holdsworth  -  Principal