Primary Maths in Term 3
Classroom Activities, Integration of Maths, Maths Club and Home Learning
Primary Maths in Term 3
Classroom Activities, Integration of Maths, Maths Club and Home Learning
Term 3 saw the continuation of intervention and extension groups in Maths, along with the focus of differentiated activities that involve the use of concrete materials to support learning and engage students.
The Year 6s have been studying influential Australians during Inquiry lessons, which lead to the study of Australian Bank Note security features. Students used UV lights and magnifying glasses to investigate the clear windows, microprint and other security features on banknotes. One of their assessment tasks was to research an influential Australian and create their own banknote including a portrait, images and micro-print relating to their influential Australian.
Optional Zooms with a Maths focus have provided Prep to 2 students with some extra learning on 2D shapes and they have been moving their bodies to make shapes. Students in Year 3-6 have also been learning about 3D objects features and created their own 3D object sculptures. Students have participated in Maths Scavenger Hunt and have used Lego to develop their understanding of fractions and arrays. Tutor groups have continued via zoom and students have enjoyed weekly Maths zooms with their teachers.
Maths Club was introduced in Term 3 and students have enjoyed being able to participate in Maths activities on a Wednesday during lunch time.