We thank all Year 6 students and their families for staying connected with us through Zooms, phone calls, messages and the sharing of work.
Our quotes, videos and work samples are a snapshot of Term 3 learning and include:
Projects on Indigenous Australia
Writing with a purpose of maintaining relationships
Angles in real life
Our thoughts on remote learning in Year 6
“It’s hard to concentrate and it’s hard to stay motivated”“It has been good in the sense that I can sleep in 😂😂🤣🤣”“I can do tasks at my own pace”“It’s been going good”“I haven’t been able to see my friends in person”“Remote learning has been an experience to say the least”“I found Remote Learning a little tough and a little exciting”“Remote Learning has been hard because it's hard learning compared to real life.”“ I like not getting out of bed.”“It's been tough because there is no sport.”Social emotional learning through random acts of kindness