Lockdown Tips & Tricks

By Adrian

Lockdown has been tough. Many people have lost meaning and motivation these past 6 weeks, but if we all work together we can overcome this because we’re all in this together as a school and community. 


To help everyone during this stressful time of remote learning, I will share some tips and tricks to help you not to snap. My first tip is simply just go outside, run around the block or play in the backyard with your family. My second tip is have some brain food or snack as sometimes you will not know what to do or you may be hungry, so get some fruit or vegetables and have a break. My third and last tip is to enjoy the time you have, some kids sometimes won’t see their parents the whole day but now you can stay home and chat. I know that will be “bad” for some people but you will have a change in heart. Well that’s all I have to share with you. I hope you found this useful and you found my tips to work.