Mastering Math, Writing and Inquiry at home
Sharing student's thoughts and work produced in lockdown
Mastering Math, Writing and Inquiry at home
Sharing student's thoughts and work produced in lockdown
This term the year fours are focusing on mass and capacity, during this term we have learnt different things about mass such as different measurements we can use like grams and kilograms and capacity measures millilitres and litres and what symbols represent them. The Year fours got the chance to bake a cake which was so exciting, we used things like mls and litres to measure different amounts of ingredients which was extremely fun. Baking the cake gave us the chance to have fun whilst learning about measurement. It was amazing! Mia C
During remote learning in Inquiry we’ve been working on our term 3 inquiry project. We are learning about the first people, the indigenous people and how they lived. After we did research we started our project where we had to make an Indigenous piece of art. It could be a totem pole, song, dance or artwork.
Each day we worked on it slowly and recorded our work in a book creator. We made our projects colourful and amazing! After we had finished we made a presentation on all the progress and work we did to make our Indigenous art. Making our Indigenous art was fun and we learnt lots. Kiara T
This home learning, one of the things we did for writing were persuasive texts. Who doesn’t love writing persuasive texts?
Us year 4’s were supposed to write a persuasive text based on something we can change in the world. Anything! First, we had to make a plan. We began by making a brainstorm with all the stuff we can change in the world, school, classroom and at home. Next, we had to choose an idea from the brainstorm to make the main idea of our persuasive writing. After that we had to write who the audience was for your persuasive text which is who you want to convince. Then we have to choose what will our persuasive writing format be. For example: Letter, Ad, Essay, Poster etc.
Next we have to state our 3 reasons to convince the reader on how to change something. Now time to write our draft!
We started writing a rough copy based on our plan. Remember to include an introduction stating all the reasons why we should change your idea in the world, then go into more detail about all our reasons and to sum it all up with a conclusion. But just remember this is a draft. We don’t have to worry about spelling mistakes or punctuation because in your good copy you will fix all those things. Whew! aren’t you relieved? Well we finished that off! Now all we have to do is wait for our next session for our good copy!
Yippee! Today we are writing our good copy!
Get your pencils ready!
Writing our good copy…oops we forgot something! Revising!
We need to revise and edit our draft. Go back to your draft and correct spelling mistakes and punctuation with a red pencil or any pencil of your choice (make sure it is a distinguished colour from the actual text.) Once you are done start writing your good copy with correct spelling and punctuation (making sure your writing has no errors). We had to make sure it was 5 star quality work and present it with great effort. We had to produce something that we were proud of and make sure that we ourselves have done a phenomenal job. Once we were done we had to send our work on Showbie.
What fun writing sessions we have had in Year 4! Even though we are in home learning we are trying our best and doing all we can. We should all strive to have a positive mindset and are to make sure we are ready for any challenge we come across in life. We will keep our head held high and produce some great work together. Bye everyone. Isabel