Year 10 Extended Investigation
This term we have been studying Existentialism and Philosophy. Students have been studying the theories of a variety of philosophers and asking the big question that no one can answer ‘What is the Meaning of Life?’ Students chose a philosopher to investigate and presented their personal views in relation to the theories and how they connect to actual events in their own lives. This is work submitted by Bridie A, Alex K and Jess K.
Year 11- 20th Century History
This term in 20th Century History the Year 11’s have been exploring the events on either side of World War Two. They started the term investigating the rise of extreme ideologies in 1920’s and 30’s Europe, in particular the conditions in Germany that contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. The students wrote fantastic Historical Inquiries about the cultural and social changes brought on by the Nazi Regime in 1930’s Germany. Topics of particular interest to our students were the Nuremberg Laws, and changes to schooling.
These topics are perhaps best summed up by Mischa who wrote the following paragraph in their Historical Inquiry:
“The expulsion of Jewish students from the general German education system created a border of clear racial segregation and made Jewish children vulnerable to harm by the Germans. The change in curriculum and removal from any ‘anti-German’ or Jewish made books and/ or art caused a loss in Jewish culture and forced German children to grow up brainwashed by the Nazi message. These laws and policies worked to push the Jewish to the fringe of Germany and expose them to violence, dehumanisation and hatred by the German people changing their lives and culture for the worse.”
In the second half of Term Three our focus has been on the Cold War. We have narrowed our focus down to 3 key events from this period that best sum up the tension of the time. The students explored the post WW2 partition of Berlin, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War The Year 11’s particularly enjoyed listening to and analysing the lyrics of some famous Anti-War songs from the time.
The Year 11’s have adapted superbly to the challenges of Remote Learning, they have continued their amazing work output and completed high quality assessments during trying times. Well Done!