Boom-whacking Fun!
and Primary Production preparation
Boom-whacking Fun!
and Primary Production preparation
Early in Term 3 students learnt to play the Boom-whackers. Boom-whackers are tuned percussion tubes that are played by hitting onto the ground or your body. Each colour is a different note. Together we followed music clips on Youtube providing an opportunity to model the values of Learning and Teamwork in the Music room. Students learnt about dynamics, tempo and rhythm when performing different melodies. Here are some examples of our Boom-Whacking in action!
We look forward to returning to the Music room soon where we will use the Boom-Whackers to build our understanding of musical notation and composition.
Even while being at home students from Prep to 6 have made an enthusiastic start on the Primary production of ‘Zoomunji’. Each year level has been practicing a dance and students have been designing their costumes.
Students in years 5 and 6 have begun working in production teams with a variety of roles including; acting, animating, filming, dance, soundtrack, musicians and designers. We look forward to bringing all the ideas and talents our students have together early in term 4!