Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 17 May
Year 9 MyAnimal RSPCA excursion
Year 9 MyCity Ice Skating excursion
Year 9 MyPhoto Botanical Gardens excursion
Friday 19 May
Division Cross Country
Monday 22 - Wednesday 24 May
Music Ensemble Camp
Wednesday 24 May
Year 9 MyCity Zoo excursion
Year 9 MyCity MCG excursion
Wednesday 31 May
Year 9 Assembly, period 1
Tuesday 6 June
Instrumental Music - Winter Concert
Wednesday 7 June
MyCity Walking Tour
Monday 12 June
King's Birthday Public Holiday - no school
Tuesday 13 June
Regional Cross Country
Wednesday 14 June
Year 9 MyCity Eureka Skydeck
Friday 23 June
Last day of Term 2
Year 9 Assembly
On Wednesday 31 May, Year 9 students will be attending a Reconciliation Week assembly in the Performance Centre during period 1. Parents are invited to attend. Please sign in first at the Main Reception before proceeding to the Performance Centre.
DSC Sports Tryout & Training Schedule
Students who have signed up for a DSC Sport team need to check the Week 4 training schedule below.
Please ensure you are wearing the correct uniform. If students do not have PE that day, they must still wear their regular uniform but bring appropriate footwear/clothing to change into prior to the tryout/training sessions.
UR Retreat
Female-identifying students have the opportunity to attend a camp in the September school holiday break, run by Bridge Builders Youth organisation.
If you are 13-15 years, like to meet new people, challenge yourself and learn some new skills then you may be interested in the Bridge Builders Camp.
We have had students from DSC attend in the past and they have found it to be a great opportunity for growing and developing personal and social capabilities.
Students, please message Katie Mills from Wellbeing if you have any questions or would like further information about the camp