Junior School

Upcoming Activities
Wednesday 17 May
Year 7 & Year 8 Taming the Technology workshop
Thursday 18 May
Year 7 (B, C, D, G) Humanities Ruffey Lake fieldwork excursion
Friday 19 May
Division Cross Country
Year 7/8 SEAL Australian Geographic Competition, period 3
Year 7H Ruffey Lake fieldwork
Monday 22 - Wednesday 24 May
Music Ensemble Camp
Monday 22 May
Year 7 (A & F) Humanities Ruffey Lake fieldwork excursion
Monday 29 May
North East Victoria Regional Concert
Wednesday 31 May
Year 7 Sports Round Robin
Thursday 1 June
Year 7 Girls Netball
Tuesday 6 June
Instrumental Music - Winter Concert
Monday 12 June
King's Birthday Public Holiday - no school
Tuesday 13 June
Regional Cross Country
Friday 23 June
Last day of Term 2
Taming the Technology
Our Year 7 and Year 8 students will be attending a workshop on Wednesday 17th May during period 1 and period 2, respectively. Guest speaker, Kate Wilde, will be speaking to our students on how they can protect themselves online and how to navigate the internet safely.
Supporting Students through a Multi-tiered Approach
At Doncaster Secondary College we have a range of interventions and supports available to maximise student learning and growth. These supports fall into three categories or tiers:
- Tier 1 – are interventions that all students receive.
- Tier 2 – are interventions that specific groups receive.
- Tier 3 – are interventions that specific individuals receive.
Our current focus is on monitoring the effectiveness of our Tier 1 supports, which include:
- 5R’s
- Entry Routines
- Instructional Model
With each tier 1 support, students have a role to play. It is with this in mind that we invite parents/carers to discuss one of the supports with their child and find out if they understand the role a student plays in that intervention.
The College reports on students’ Personal and Social Capabilities each semester, part of which is based on their capacity to follow instructions, meet expectations, and work cooperatively. By encouraging your child to share their understanding of our tier 1 approaches, you are actively developing their personal and social capabilities at home.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us.
Drew Hanna and Ty Dennis
Junior School Positive Climate for Learning and Community Engagement Leaders
The DSC Fathering Project
Hey DSC Junior School Dads/Dad-figures! We will be holding our first Fathering Project event on Thursday 15th June at 5.30pm in W-Block. This will be a wonderful and fun opportunity to connect with your child and our school. See the details below and register your attendance here:
DSC Sports Tryout & Training Schedule
Students who have signed up for a DSC Sport team need to check the Week 4 training schedule below.
Please ensure you are wearing the correct uniform. If students do not have PE that day, they must still wear their regular uniform but bring appropriate footwear/clothing to change into prior to the tryout/training sessions.