College Communications

Wednesday 17 May
Year 12 Elevate session, period 1
Year 7 & Year 8 Taming the Technology workshop
Year 9 MyAnimal RSPCA excursion
Year 9 MyCity Ice Skating excursion
Year 9 MyPhoto Botanical Gardens excursion
Thursday 18 May
Year 7 (B, C, D, G) Humanities Ruffey Lake fieldwork excursion
Year 10/11 Drama 'I Wanna Be Yours' excursion
Friday 19 May
Division Cross Country
Year 7/8 SEAL Australian Geographic Competition, period 3
Year 7H Ruffey Lake fieldwork
Monday 22 - Wednesday 24 May
Music Ensemble Camp
Monday 22 May
Year 7 (A & F) Humanities Ruffey Lake fieldwork excursion
Year 12 VCE-VM Community Meal program, Templestowe
Tuesday 23 May
Year Maths Methods SAC1
Wednesday 24 May
Year 9 MyCity Zoo excursion
Year 9 MyCity MCG excursion
Year 10 Certificate & Pathway Info Night, 5-6.30pm
Thursday 25 May
Year 12 VCE Drama performance, 6pm
Friday 26 May
National Sorry Day
Year 12 VCE-VM White Card training
Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June
Reconciliation Week
Monday 29 May
North East Victoria Regional Concert
Wednesday 31 May
Year 7 Sports Round Robin
Thursday 1 June
Year 7 Girls Netball
Monday 5 - Friday 9 June
Year 11 exams
Tuesday 6 June
Instrumental Music - Winter Concert
Wednesday 7 June
MyCity Walking Tour
Wednesday 7 - Friday 9 June
Year 10 exams
Thursday 8 June
Senior Girls AFL
Monday 12 June
King's Birthday Public Holiday - no school
Tuesday 13 June
Regional Cross Country
Wednesday 14 June
Year 9 MyCity Eureka Skydeck
Thursday 15 June
Monday 19 - Friday 23 June
Year 10 Careers Experience Program
Tuesday 20 June
Year 12 Formal
Friday 23 June
Last day of Term 2
The DSC Fathering Project
We have an exciting new family and community engagement program starting this term - The Fathering Project. The Fathering Project was founded in 2013 with the aim of supporting fathers, and father figures, to be the best parent they can be so their children can thrive. Their website has a heap of useful resources and links to seminars that our Dads might be keen to explore: Home - The Fathering Project
Here at DSC, our Mental Health Practitioner, Lachlan Marchant, will be coordinating a range of initiatives and activities for the Fathering Project. His first objective: to connect as many DSC Dads as possible to our very own FP portal!
Dads, you can register here:
Lachlan has confirmed our first official DSC Fathering Project event: Junior School Dads and Kids Trivia and Pizza Night. This will be held on Thursday 15th June at 5.30pm in W-Block. We welcome our Junior School Dads to come along (even if they haven't signed up yet) by RSVP'ing:
Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund
Financial Assistance Information for Parents
Every Victorian child should have access to the world of learning opportunities that exist beyond the classroom. The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) helps ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. It is part of making Victoria Education State and the Government’s commitment to breaking the link between a student’s background and their outcomes.
School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline, and leadership. All are a part of a healthy curriculum. CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps, and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seekers and refugee families.
The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student is: $225 for secondary school students
How To Apply
New applicants should contact the school office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from the website below.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Resources |
If you applied for CSEF at your child's school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:
- new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
- changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.
Applications are to be submitted by 16 June 2023. Check with the school office if you are unsure. PH: 9848 4677
Translated information is provided here:
Art of Culture Competition
deadline is 24 May 2023!
Showcase your cultural identity through the beauty of art!
All students and teachers who are passionate about art are welcome to participate in this competition. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to express yourself and potentially win one of the NINE fantastic prizes.
“Your culture, our culture” students can choose their comfortable art forms to present their own culture through this art competition.
- Analogue Artwork - using non-digital/traditional materials such as pencils, paints, paper and canvas.
- Digital 2D Artwork - using digital tools such as a tablet or computer
- 3D Artwork - three-dimensional artwork such as 3D modelling or animation.
- Comic Strip - is a visual representation of a story and a chronological narrative, which can be hand drawn or on a computer.
- Interactive Novel - great explainer video can be found here.
- Storyboard - is more of a guide of your story and can be done traditionally or digitally. You can include descriptions of camera angles.
The deadline is the 24th of May, Wednesday. The sign-up and submission forms can be found below. Please note that there are two separate forms for students and teachers, a kind reminder not to click on the wrong one. The participants should also note that the size of the files cannot be larger than 1GB. Students and teachers can also hand in their physical artwork at the International Student Learning Hub if technical issues occur. The artwork will be returned once the final decision has been made.
Get ready to win big! We have some amazing prizes lined up for this competition. In the first round, there will be a total of six prizes, with one prize for each year level. Whether which year group you're in, you could win big! But that's not all. The second round will be awarding three winners. Don't miss your chance to win these incredible prizes. Sign up for the competition today!
Student Sign-Up link:
Teacher Sign-Up link:
From International Student Forum 2023 representatives
Recycle your Bread Bags!
At Doncaster Secondary College we are passionate about creating an environmentally friendly school. To support this, the bread company Wonder is running a Recycling Rewards Campaign to help promote and support us in recycling. This challenge is asking all members of our community to bring in their empty bread bags, all brands are acceptable, and place them in the allocated boxes. The boxes can be found in the front office and the W Block near the Junior School Office.
These bags will be recycled back into an oil and then reconstituted into food grade packaging, creating a circular economy, reducing plastic in our landfill and the need for more resources. Added bonus, in helping improve our environment, if we gather enough bread bags Wonder will provide our school with sports equipment.
We are looking forward to your contribution,
From the DSC Student Environmental Club
Student Voice & Agency Opportunities
If you are a student who is interested in running a School Event and/or Awareness Day, please contact your Positive Climate for Learning and Community Engagement Leader for further assistance. The pdf below provides an annual list of events for 2023 that you might be interested in.
DSC Interest Clubs
As the year gets underway, more Interest Clubs will return (or start up) in 2023. For now, here is a list of the lunchtime Clubs underway in Term 1
Day | Club |
Monday | Breakfast Club 8am (W-Block Quad), Chess Club, KPop Club (room C13), Year 11 Hoops |
Tuesday | Art Club (B3), Lego Club (C13), Year 12 Hoops, Homework Club - International Students (3.30pm @ The IS Hub), Zumba class (3.30 - 4.15pm) |
Wednesday | Crafternoon (C13), Year 8 Hoops |
Thursday | Enviro Club (B3), Junior Girls Basketball (Stadium), Year 10 Hoops, Chat Club (Library), Homework Club (3.30pm - 4.30pm) |
Friday | Breakfast Club (Library, 8am), Rainbow Collective, LGBTQIA (C5), Games Club (W block upper), Badminton Club (3.30pm - 4.30pm) |
Wellbeing Hub
Don't forget that The Hub (near the Canteen) is open every day at recess and lunchtime for drop-in and everyone is welcome.
Wellbeing Resources