Principal's Message

Dear parents, students and families,


Last Friday many of our Year 3-6 students participated in the District Track events at Ballam Park. I was able to join them for part of the morning and saw all the relays. Lots of the students had ribbons on their chests so well done to you and particularly to Zali C in Year 6 who won a medal in the sprints. Thanks to the staff who supported Mrs Ary with the event and the many parents who were able to take some time to attend and cheer for our students. Tomorrow, the 12th May, some of our Year 3-6 students will represent the school in the District Field Events and best wishes to them on their day. 


On Tuesday we held our annual Mothers' Day Celebration Morning and what a morning it was. In a month where the school celebrates Mary as part of our Liturgical calendar I estimate there were about 100 Mums, Grandmas and special people there and I hope they enjoyed the singing, classroom activities and the morning tea. Staff certainly enjoyed hosting you all in the classrooms. Special thanks to all who helped with arrangements but especially to Mrs Winduss, Mrs Brooking and Mrs Trower who seemed to be the key organisers. Thank you so much for the kind words our school received on the day and afterwards. These few words mean a lot to our staff.  


On Wednesday the P & F  held the Mothers' Day Stall and I thank this group who sourced the gifts and staffed the stalls under Michelle Haggarty's leadership. I am sure there will be many pleasantly surprised Mum's on Sunday when you get to see your special treats. Mrs Legge let me know the students took their gift buying responsibilities very seriously. Have a great day to all of our Mum's on Sunday.



Our Marine Ambassadors headed out on Wednesday with Mr Sullivan to Moorooduc School where they learnt more about their roles and presented to the 1/2 students there. Mr Sullivan said they are really looking forward to sharing their knowledge with the students at St Anne's in the near future.  Our Fire Carriers headed to St Augustine's, Frankston South today where our Year 4 students, who were appointed, are commissioned in their leadership roles. 


I would ask that extreme care is taken with the ramp leading in to the P & F room. Currently it does not have a handrail or any non-slip markings which will be rectified next week. In other school improvements I would like to thank Fraser Keogh, who has a son EJ at school, for sorting out the sound system in the hall so it functions effectively. At times it has been distracting and challenging to operate. 


This weekend our students intending to receive their first Eucharist are invited to attend any of the Parish Masses which are also acting as enrolment Masses for those students intending to receive Reconciliation for the first time this year.  This weekend Catholic Care's Family Week commences with a theme of "Circle of Inclusion", a great theme that we endeavour to achieve always at St Anne's School. 


Events this week include Foundation having an excursion to the Zoo on Tuesday as well as a school tour for prospective Foundation 2024 families who have not yet visited our school. On Wednesday our Year 5 students will attend John Paul College to experience what Secondary schooling is about whether then have decided to attend JPC or not. It is a great transitional opportunity for our students. Mrs Winduss has already been advertising that next Friday is "Walk Safely to School Day" so you may like to put this in your diaries. Another busy week at St Anne's approaches. For more future dates for your diary please look at that page in the newsletter.


God Bless


Rod Shaw


School Attendance and Unexplained Absence

Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent by leaving a message on  9786 4736 and press 1. Please give details of your child’s name and class with areason for their absence such as: unwell, appointment, holiday or family reasons. Alternatively an email can be sent to with cc to the child’s teacher.


If you are running late, (after 9:00 am) please attend the office to sign your child into school and collect a late pass.


If you are picking up your child early you will need to collect them and sign them out from the office.


As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:


Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a text message.

If parent does not contact the school after receiving the text message, the school will contact the parent by phone. If the parent is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.

If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.

Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.

This is a legal requirement.

Democratic Principles

 The six (6) principles of Australian democracy include:

(a)   elected government; and

(b)   the rule of law; and

(c)   equal rights for all before the law; and

(d)   freedom of religion; and

(e)   freedom of speech and association; and 

(f)   the values of openness and tolerance