Laudato Si’ at KCC

Term 2 has seen us continue responding to the ‘cry of the earth’, with a focus on reducing waste at Kildare.  Students and staff have been helping to build a profile of the waste produced on site, so that we can better understand our waste and design some initiatives to start to reduce it.  The results of this audit will be published later this term, but in the meantime we ask you to consider reducing the amount of rubbish that is brought to school with you each day.  Not only will this help us reduce the volume of waste, it will also save money and could even help motivate healthier food choices!  

We are also very excited to announce the Riverina Climate Update, on June 22 at Charles Sturt University (CSU). This FREE public event is a collaboration between Kildare, Australian National University Institute of Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions (ANU ICEDS), CSU and Wagga Wagga City Council.  It will bring together experts, policymakers, students, industry and the community to discuss the state of our climate and what can be done to tackle climate change in the Riverina. 


Of particular note is Professor Mark Howden who will be speaking on the latest climate science.  Professor Howden is Director of the Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions at The Australian National University.  He is also an Honorary Professor at Melbourne University, a Vice Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and is the Chair of the ACT Climate Change Council.  It will also include Councillor Jenny McKinnon speaking about the Wagga Wagga City Council net zero roadmap, which is due to go on public display in the coming weeks.

This is the first time that ANU ICEDS have held a climate update in a regional centre and presents a unique opportunity to bring the Wagga community together to discuss important issues associated with climate change that will shape our future.


Please click here to register your attendance or find out more about this exciting event.


Laudato Si' - An Urgent Appeal for Actions



Sharon Forwood | HSIE Teacher