Year 9 Experiment

Food Technology

Rich Man Poor Man

Food Equity is the equal distribution of food around the world and to the population in each country. Access to safe and sufficient food is a global issue of concern. Year 9 Food Technology classes have been investigating the issues affecting food equity, including a look inside the world of those who find themselves at risk of Food Inequality.


As part of this investigation, the Year 9 Food Technology classes took part in the “Rich Person, Poor Person” Feast experiment. This activity was designed to illustrate the difference between the “haves” and the “have nots”, and what it feels like to be a member of one of these groups.


The students were segregated into groups based solely on a piece of coloured paper they each picked blindly out of a jar at the beginning of the lesson. The largest group (about 90% of the class) sat on the floor with only a bowl of rice to eat. The second group(about 8% of the class) also sat on the floor away from everyone else with nothing to eat and the remaining 2% of the class sat at a set table ready to enjoy a three course meal. 


Throughout the experiment, students were asked to answer some questions, including their thoughts and feelings about being in their colour groups. They were also asked about the fairness of the experiment itself. The answers were varied and interesting. Whereas some students indicated they did not like being in their colour groups and thought the experiment was unfair, most thought the experiment was fair and reflected “real life”. 


The majority of students indicated they were very appreciative of their current circumstances in life and all the opportunities that entailed. All students also indicated that they have gained a much deeper insight and a better understanding of the plight of some groups in our society who may face food inequity.



Samual Avo | T Teacher