Preps on excursion

A snapshot into our TwistED Science Excursion

Learning intention: To explore science through interactive explorations. 


Learning experience overview:


This excursion directly relates to our current Big Idea ‘Seasons affect how the world works and influence the way we live’. Students travelled by bus to TwistED Science Moorabbin. Thank you again to our parent volunteers for supporting students and teachers on the day. 


Part 1: Playzone


Students explored each aspect of science (physical, biological, chemical and earth and space) through interactive exhibits in the Playzone. Students were encouraged to create, wonder, problem solve and explore the fun of science through play. The exhibits use a variety of materials and colours. 


Some of the most popular areas were: 

  • Bubbles
  • Launch
  • Airways
  • Engineer
  • Ropes 

Part 2: Workshop


Students participated in a physical science workshop called ‘Push me, pull me’. They discussed:

  • What makes objects move?
  • What is a force? 
  • How do forces act on an object through direct contact or from a distance to cause movement? 

They unpacked scientific vocabulary such as friction, repulsion, attraction and static electricity. Students investigated the different forces needed to fly objects through a balloon shooter and different sized balls. They also conducted a magnetic investigation to see which objects were magnetic and which were not (and why). 


We will continue to explore forces in the classroom and specifically unpack the different forces used for materials and activities in each of the seasons. For example, the forces used to open and close an umbrella and/or the forces used to ski. 


Part 3: WOW reflection


As learners it is important to reflect on our experiences to help us grow. The next day, students were asked to think about the following questions and write/draw a response. 


What was a win of the learning experience?

What was an obstacle?

What is something you’re wondering about?


This reflection has been sent home with your child. 


What you can do now to continue the learning at home from this experience:

  • Visit TwistED science with your child 
  • Complete the post workshop activities (these will be printed out and handed to your child)
  • Encourage science explorations at home
  • Conduct your own magnet investigations at home 
  • Explore push and pull forces around the house or even at a local park 
  • Point out the different aspects of science students use in their everyday lives