SWPB & Lunchtime Clubs 

SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR - Teaching and Learning in action!


After assembly, Grade 3s learnt about respect in their school-wide positive behaviour values lesson.  Here are some photographs of students showing the expected behaviour 'Always ask first before taking photos' on our school matrix, and modelling the behaviour with their iPads.  Students also talked about the importance of treating others fairly and listening to others when they are speaking.  All behaviours that demonstrate values directly from our school matrix.  Congratulations to Grade 3s, for your interesting discussions and for collaborating positively as a whole class.  

School-wide Positive Behaviour is a whole school approach.  

Have a look at our wonderful displays from across all levels of the school. 




Lunchtime clubs are very popular this term.  Our clubs provide opportunites for students with shared interests to connect with children from other grades and year levels.  Clubs start at the beginning of lunchtime and finish at 2.05pm.  This means that students still have a chance to enjoy unstructured time outdoors, such as meeting with friends, playing games and/or purchase something from our canteen.  


Here is our most recent timetable that is promoted in all classrooms.