Girton Community Action Group leads the collection of blankets for Triple M Blanket Drive

The Girton Community Action Group (GCAG) has embraced a pivotal role in rallying the Girton Community to contribute blankets for the Triple M Blanket Drive. Led by Triple M Bendigo, this drive carries a profound mission: to "Blanket the QEO" and extend warmth to local charities that tirelessly aid those experiencing homelessness in Central Victoria.


The issue of homelessness persistently burdens individuals from diverse backgrounds and age groups. While many perceive homelessness as only afflicting those living on the streets, we must also acknowledge the often overlooked individuals dwelling in refugee crisis accommodation, existing in precarious circumstances. Fully aware of the gravity of this situation, the Girton Community Action Group has stepped forward with unwavering determination to ignite transformative change.


Under the guidance of GCAG, Girton students have contributed new and used blankets. A huge thanks must go out to our community for supporting this initiative with three car-loads of blankets being delivered to the QEO early Friday morning.


Ronell Masiboy, Girton Vice Captain, and a proud member of GCAG expressed, "We are thrilled to witness the Girton community uniting wholeheartedly to donate blankets for the drive. It's remarkable to contemplate the impact such a simple act can have on someone's life."


Dr Emma O'Rielly, Girton Principal, remarked with genuine pride, “We are proud to see our students take an active role in shaping their educational experience and positively contributing to the world beyond our learning community.”


“The Girton Community Action Group’s involvement in the Triple M Blanket Drive demonstrates their commitment to addressing social issues and helping those facing homelessness.”


The Blanket Drive represents an enduring pursuit to combat this issue and effect change in the lives of those impacted.


On the morning of Friday 19th May, GCAG student volunteers joined the much-anticipated broadcast by Triple M Bendigo, to gather all the donated blankets and carefully drape them over the Queen Elizabeth Oval (QEO) in Bendigo, striving to cover every inch of the area with warmth and compassion. 


These blankets will be distributed among local charities that provide vital support to the homeless population in Central Victoria, igniting hope and offering a lifeline to those in need.