
Ciao a tutti,

Ciao a tutti,


What a treat! Last week, Sophie from 4T bought in a ‘fantastico’ model of the Colosseum to show the class during an Italian session. The class enjoyed listening to Sophie talk about the interesting way that she made the model and explained that it took many hours to built. Well done Sophie! Year 3 and 4 have been learning about Italian landmarks this term and we learnt some interesting facts about landmarks, cities and maps. We have also been practising our everyday Italian conversation using the iPads.

Year 1 and 2 have been learning about ‘La Macchinetta Rosa”. This week we watched the video about this little red car’s race around Italy to Mt Vesuvio, Colosseo, Torre di Pisa and Venezia. Everyone enjoyed learning some new Italian words along the way. The students finished their “passport” activity drawing and writing about what the city is famous for, in Italian.  They have also been consolidating their everyday conversations and extending their knowledge of some new words and phrases. 



Chloe 2N
Frankie 2N
Freya 2N
Julietta 2N
Chloe 2N
Frankie 2N
Freya 2N
Julietta 2N



Signora Harrington