


Zoe Nugent 

Welcome to the end of Week Six Angels,


Sunday was a beautiful day, cold a per Guyra standards, but beautiful nonetheless.  17 local students celebrated their Confirmation with family, friends and parish.  I would like to thank all parents and staff for their support and preparation of our Candidates and to Father O'Shea for conferring the Sacrament in the absence of a Bishop for the Armidale Diocese.  We look forward to celebrating Holy Communion on Saturday 10th June at 6pm.


In Stage 1 and 2 lately, the students have been discussing the parts of and importance of Mass as a celebration.  I was delighted to see that all of our students recognised that the people gathering is an integral part of a celebration, whether it be a birthday party, Mother's or Father's Day Breakfast..or indeed a Mass.  

Please take their acknowledgement as an extended invitation to join any of our Masses for school, I am sure all of our students would love to see more parent/carers at their celebrations.


Students have been finalising their achievement data through the completing of PAT Reading and PAT Maths this week.  It has been brilliant to see positive growth across all year levels and staff are eager to analyse the results to see, 'where to next'.

A reminder that the 9th of June IS a school day as our staff PD Day had to be moved until Week 9, Friday the 23rd June, due to venue booking changes.



Baby News 


Last week we received word that Miss Ogilvie had a beautiful baby boy.  We are hanging out for when Miss Ogilvie to be ready to bring him to school, trust me ...he has 91 ready and willing babysitters!


 I am sure you will all join me in congratulating, Amber and Logan  on the newest member of their little family, two into three! 



National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week is an important time for all Australians to come together and reflect on our shared histories and cultures. This year's theme, "Be a Voice for Generations," is a call to action for all of us to take tangible steps towards reconciliation in our everyday lives.

Reconciliation is about acknowledging the past and working towards a future where all Australians are treated with respect, dignity, and equality. It is about acknowledging and respecting the culture, traditions, and experiences of Australia's First Nations peoples.

As educators, we have a vital role to play in promoting reconciliation and creating a more inclusive and equitable society. We can do this by incorporating Indigenous perspectives and knowledge into our teaching and learning, by building strong relationships with our local Indigenous communities, and by promoting understanding and empathy among our students.

The National Reconciliation Week website provides a wealth of resources for schools and communities to get involved in reconciliation initiatives. These resources include educational materials, event ideas, and practical actions that individuals and groups can take to support reconciliation.

This year National Reconciliation Week is the 27th May to the 3rd June, our students will engaging in activities over the new few weeks.


Student Led Conferences:

Please book on COMPASS for Student Led Conferences.... Students have the right to learn and parent/carers have the right to see/hear of their child's successes from their child! 

Your children will be an integral part of these meetings, please ensure they attend.

My staff are looking forward to 100% parent/carer bookings!

A look ahead at Term 2

Student Led Conferences (Parent Teacher Interviews) Week 9

Tuesday 20th and Wed 21st June.

Please see COMPASS for booking details.

Teachers for booking

Mrs Grills: Transition

Mrs Ahumada: Kindergarten

Mrs Hayes: Grade 1/2

Mrs Holmes: Grade 3/4

Mr Niemerg: Grade 5/6

SAC - School Advisory Council Meeting

I would like to advise that the next SAC meeting will occur on the 14th June at 6:00pm at the St Mary of the Angels Administration Building.