Secondary News

Stage 5 Aboriginal Studies

Stage 5 Aboriginal Studies have been learning about Aboriginal Peoples and Sport during Term 2. As part of this, they studied a chosen traditional Aboriginal sport or game and are teaching this to Year 2, 3, and 4. In Week 6 the first class they taught was Year 4. This was a great opportunity for the Year 9 & 10 students to share some of the cultural knowledge with the younger students. This was a valuable learning experience for both Stage 5 Aboriginal Studies and the Year 4 class.


Year 10 History

Year 10 History collaboratively peer marked previous years assessments using the marking rubric. This deepened their understanding of the task, how to use the marking rubric, and gave them clarity when beginning to write their own task.


Year 7 Science

The Year 7’s have been learning about states of matter in Science. They had a great time making the Non-Newtonian fluid, Oobleck. Oobleck is a special fluid that temporarily turns solid when pressure is applied to it.