Chatham Happenings

An update from the students of Chatham Primary School

Year 6 Incursion: Talk Money


Our Year 6 students engaged in two recent incursions entitled 'Talking about Money' led by Vik and Jake. This program aimed to equip our students with essential financial literacy skills, focusing on saving, managing and spending money responsibly. It also delved into the concept of needs versus wants, and explored the digitisation of money and various payment options.


In Workshop A, our students enthusiastically participated in a series of activities that shed light on the diverse ways people value money. They learned the art of having constructive conversations with family and friends about money, fostering healthy communication around this important topic. Additionally, the workshop empowered them to set savings goals, instilling valuable habits of managing their finances at an early age.


In Workshop B, our students delved into the intricacies of saving and managing money effectively. They explored different payment options, including the digitisation of money, which plays an increasingly significant role in our modern society. Through engaging instructions and activities, our students gained practical knowledge on how to make informed financial decisions and navigate the digital landscape of monetary transactions.


This workshop holds immense importance for our students as it equips them with essential life skills that will positively impact their future. By understanding the value of money, managing their needs versus wants and learning about various payment options, our students are better prepared to make wise financial decisions. They have gained the tools to plan for the future, set savings goals and make informed choices in an ever-changing digital world.


One of the key messages our students took away from this incursion is the importance of responsible money management. They learned that money is not just a means of acquiring material possessions, but a resource that can be saved, invested and utilised sensibly. By instilling these values early on, we are empowering our students to become financially responsible individuals who can confidently navigate the complex financial landscape they will encounter as they grow.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Vik and Jake for leading such a valuable incursion and making it an engaging and enjoyable experience for our students. We are confident that the knowledge and skills our students have gained will serve them well throughout their lives.


Mr Zac Barry and Mr Rafael Fernandez

Year 6 Teachers


Year 2 Excursion to Como House


The Year 2 students have been learning all about the past and present in their Inquiry Unit this term and were fortunate enough to visit Como House last Friday 26th May.


It was a beautiful sunny day and the students were very excited about dressing up in their old-fashioned clothing. 


The building is in its original presentation, furnished with many antiques, and the students were given a guided tour of the formal dining areas as well as the scullery and washing areas in the mansion. The main guides were well-informed and made the learning incredibly fun for all.


Outside there were lawn games to play like quoits and croquet in the beautiful gardens. 

The most animated activity was finding out ‘who broke the doll at the children’s party?' which saw students excitedly running around the lovely gardens all over the property, finding clues and deducing who did it!


Ms McLean and Miss Semerdjian had a wonderful day too!!

Ms Lorraine McLean and Ms Sophie Semerdjian

Year 2 Teachers