A Message from our 

Acting Principal's 

Jarryd & Laura Jane

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Deputy Principal's

Dear Families, 

As the last newsletter for Term 2, we would like to congratulate our children and staff for another term full of learning and joy.  We have seen many events such as Confirmation, School Disco, Excursions, Interschool Sport, School Tours, the Mural development with Emma Stenhouse, Kinder Visits, Wakakirri preparations, Mothers Day, and Reconciliation week.  We have achieved so much in this short term. We are now looking forward to many more exciting events to come such as Camp, Out and About Week, 100 days of Prep, and the completion of our new St Stephen’s Playground.


Farewell Fiona!

Fiona has been our Italian teacher for the past year. Fiona has made the decision to embark on new adventures and will be finishing up at the end Term 2.  We thank Fiona for the way that she has inspired a love of Italian with our children and we wish her all the best. We will celebrate and thank Fiona for all her hard work with a staff morning tea.  

Teresa Di Giulio will be starting as our new Italian teacher in Term 3 alongside Maree Major.  In partnership, they will deliver an engaging and fun Italian curriculum to our learners.  We wish all our families and staff a safe and restful holiday. 


Semester 1 Progress Reports 

By the end of next week, you will receive your child’s Semester 1 progress report via email.  The purpose of these reports is to give you an overview of your child's learning throughout the school year and is one of a variety of ways we present your child’s achievements.  If you have any questions regarding your child’s progress report, please contact your child’s educator via the hub email.   


Before and Afterschool Care

We are really excited about the new partnership with TeamKids as our OSHC provider and we look forward to their official start onsite at St Gabriel’s in Term 3.  Please be aware that once you have registered for TeamKids, you can access their holiday programs at another school for the Term 2 holidays if you wish to. The customer service team is really friendly and very happy to take your call. 


Have a safe and happy holiday,

Jarryd and Laura