This Week






Last Week


Stage 3 Recreation Camp                                                                                                           

Our Stage 3 recreation camp will take place at the Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Park, from Tuesday, 29th August, to Friday, 1st September, at a cost of $560. This cost includes travel by bus, accommodation, meals (excluding morning tea on the first day) and activities. Students will experience a variety of activities designed to build confidence, resilience and cooperation, such as the giant swing, high ropes, leap of faith and rock climbing and abseiling. Transport to and from the venue will be by bus, leaving school at 7:00 am and returning by 5:00 pm. If you would like your child to attend, please pay a non-refundable deposit of $50, due by 16th June and provide consent through the portal. The excursion can be paid off in instalments, with the complete balance due by Monday, 14th August. Please note this excursion requires a minimum of 60 students to go ahead.


Stage 1 Bathurst Regional Library Excursion                                                                        

Stage 1 classes will be visiting the Bathurst Regional Library this term. Students will be given a tour of the library by Bathurst Regional Library staff and will view their special programs. The students will visit the library in class groups during the middle session on the following days. 

Tuesday- 13th June 2Mc and K-2N 

Thursday- 15th June 1CW 

Friday- 16th June 1G

Tuesday- 20th June 2I

Tuesday- 27th June 1/2M

Students will travel to and from the library by bus and will be accompanied by our teacher librarian, Ms Morris. Students will need to wear school uniform on this day. There is no cost to this excursion.


Stage 1 Historical Museum Excursion

An excursion has been planned for all Year 1 & 2 children to the Historical Museum on Wednesday, 14th June, 2023. Children have been studying the history of their local area by examining artefacts and discussing how they provide us with information about the past. They have also been investigating and comparing toys made in the past and in the present during their Science lessons.

The excursion to the historical museum will provide the children with an opportunity to further develop historical and scientific inquiry skills whilst investigating artefacts from the past.

Children will walk to the Historical Museum in Russell St Bathurst at 9.30 am. They will then be split into two groups; one will tour the Historical Museum from 10.00 am - 10.45 am, whilst the other group will investigate the history of Kings Parade and Machattie Park. The groups will join for recess in Machattie Park. The second group tour of the Museum will be from 11.15 am - 12.00 pm.

All children will return to school at 12.15 pm, in time for lunch.

The cost of the excursion is $3.00. Permission  and money need to be to school by Monday, 12th June.