Grade Six

We hope all families a coping with the change in weather as we make our way through Term 2. 


We are very excited in Grade 6 that our Winter Interschool Sports round has commenced. The sports for this round are Netball, Kickball, Tball, Soccer and Football. We continue to strengthen our teamwork and build on the skills needed to play these sports. We are also looking forward to competing in our Interschool Sports Gala Day on Wednesday the 7th of June.


In English, we are investigating narratives. We are learning about the different types of narratives, as well as reading some books and having class discussions about them. Another highlight of writing is beginning or continuing our independent writing pieces. The Premier's Reading Challenge is also currently open for all of the students. They have been given a login for this challenge.


In Maths, we have been learning about fractions, decimals and percentages. We have enjoyed building on our knowledge and applying it to challenging tasks. We have been playing lots of fun maths games to also revise our times tables and learn the meaning of factors and multiples. 


The Grade