
Stephen Prangnell

Head of Trades

In the absent of our International travelling fearless leader of Trades, Mr Stephen Prangnell, the Trades Department has been ticking along with a buzz in the air in anticipation of his return. Unfortunately, he has been struck down with Covid-19 on his return to the Country and isn’t here to write the Chatter article and instead you have me, Mr Ben Elliott.


Over the past 3 weeks the Year 11s have embarked on their AutoCAD and Tech Drawing courses.  The Year 11 students have taken it on in their stride and are successfully getting through the drawings with ease and completing both courses. I would like to thank all students for participating fully in the short drawing courses and giving it their all, despite being taken away from the fun, practical work.


The Year 12s are working through their personal projects with the goal to complete them by the end of Term 3. We encourage all Year 12s to maintain their focus with not only their practical work but with their theory as well and get those boxes ticked so we don’t have a mad rush to finish work at the end to Term 3.  A reminder the workshops are open after hours during the week.


Furnishing – Tuesday (Mr Hickson) Thursday (Mr Elliott)

Engineering - Thursday (Mr Trevenen) 

Ben Elliott   

Vocational Trainer