Grade 5/6
Mrs Lupa, Mr Shorthouse and Mrs Trewick
Grade 5/6
Mrs Lupa, Mr Shorthouse and Mrs Trewick
Daily multiplication facts practise has been an ongoing task the students have been focusing on. Many students have made excellent progress in learning their 7, 8 times tables.
The senior students are finishing up on their unit of decimals. Understanding how to divide and multiply decimals is a new strategy they have been learning about.
Information reports on their own choice of animal has been very exciting. Each child selected their own choice on animal and researched information in it. Identifying relevant paragraph topics and writing interesting and engaging information under these headers has been very challenging, yet exciting.
Some of the animals chosen were; the Okapi, Green Tree frog and the Bottlenose dolphin. They are looking forward to publishing their pieces.
Students have been researching a significant event in Australian history, for example; Gold Rush, Australian railway system. The next step in their learning will be creating/constructing a diorama based upon this event. We look forward to seeing their creative models.