Grade 1/2
Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Grade 1/2
Miss Williams, Mrs Schwab and Mrs Kerlin
Term 2 has seen our wonderful 1/2 students develop their confidence as well as their knowledge and understanding of phonemic awareness. We are already starting to notice improvement within our students with their writing, spelling and ability to sound words out when identifying the correct letter. We still encourage the grade 1/2 students to read their readers at home with a parent as well as other books (Picture story books, novels, nonfiction and fiction). This allows for the students to be working within the Decodable Readers Australia program and to also be challenged with a different book. Please ensure all students bring their reader bags to school everyday and respect the books going home.
This term in Religious Education we have been looking at the unit Lent and Easter. Students have recognised that Lent is a time of preparation for Easter and can recognise and describe key events that are a part of the celebration of Holy Week. The 1/2 classes have been reading scriptures, engaged with Godly play, learnt important symbols and reflected on their own celebrations through visual and verbal communication.