Year 10 Global Issues News

Model UN Simulation
Over the past few weeks, the Year 10 Global Issues class prepared for and participated in a model United Nations simulation as part of their examination of the growing issue of climate refugees.
In this simulation, students were delegates of member states (countries) of the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Affairs Committee of the General Assembly (the ‘Third Committee’). They were tasked with collaboratively developing a resolution on the topic: ‘Implementing a universal strategy to respond to increasing numbers of climate refugees.’
In order to draft a resolution, students first had to research their own state and collate relevant information on their contribution and responses to climate change, as well as on their experience of and actions on the issue of refugees and asylum seekers.
Students used this information to construct and present position papers using the language of international relations. After engaging in an unmoderated caucus (informal debate) the class then divided into two blocs in order to draft their resolution.
The Chair would like to acknowledge the work of the distinguished delegates of the member states who participated, and commend them on their constructive contribution to resolving global issues using diplomacy.
With thanks,
Her Excellency, Madam Chair
(Ms. Ramsay)