Regional Exchange Term 2 2023

With the JMSS Regional Science Exchange program wrapping up this week, it is time to reflect on experiences of our 2023 Term 2 cohort.
The team arrived on Sunday the 30th of April for welcome tours and lunch as well as the Rugby jumper ceremony, where our JMSS homestay buddies officially welcomed the regional students to our school. From here it was on to orientation sessions and pizza for day one of school, followed by a jump into the deep end of their learning journey.
The students found the core classes to be “engaging and informative…” with a “friendly learning environment”. One student stated that they “had already covered the topics, but here [they were able to look] at them in more detail (for most classes)”. The electives were “extremely interesting and never fail to engage’ covering topics that they can't do at [their] own schools” which was “very cool”. And the EEI is“definitely the most fun and informative practicals here”. Some students had already done these kinds of practical activities, but said that they found it “fun to revise [their] learning.
The REx students don’t just attend classes as part of the program - they get to experience life as a true JMSS student living in metropolitan Victoria. Most of the students and the homestay buddies took a day trip to the AFL, attending the round 8 Collingwood vs. Sydney game at the MCG - some students left very happy that the pies won, while other were not so thrilled at the outcome. Overall, however, students found the trip “enjoyable despite the weather”. “It was a great chance to build stronger relationships with [the peers that they have met] so far at JMSS”.
Overall students said they enjoyed the program, finding the “homestay [buddies] and classmates… very approachable”, and making friends easy “as the environment and social circles of the school [were] generally closer to [them] that [at their] own school”. They enjoyed their classes and when asked what they would tell a friend considering the program, all said they would recommend it - “it was a good experience…”, “it’s an awesome chance to get the opportunity to study the science and maths that we don’t get to study at [our own schools””.
“I would tell them that the environment is friendly and academic and it is easy to settle in despite the difference to our school. Not that all experiences would be the same, but I will never forget my Buddy and Homestay family. This really has been one of the best things to happen in my life.”
We will welcome a new group of students in mid July in Term 3.
We are still looking for some homestay accommodation. If you are interested in hosting a student or two please respond to the following google form:
We would love to hear from you.
Abby Goff - JMSS Outreach Coordinator
Welcome to Regional Exchange:
Day 1:
Going to the AFL:
Taking part in Core Science:
Working on EEI (Extended Experimental Investigation):