Take note

Office hour changes

We wish to remind families of a change to our hours of operation. 


Effective from Term 3 (Tuesday 25 July), the College Business Office and Student Services will be open from 8.00am-4.00pm (previously 4.30pm), Monday to Friday, during term time. This includes our phone line. 


For general enquiries outside of business hours, please contact the College using the options listed on our website here and we will respond to your message as soon as possible. 


Our staff will be on-site until 4.30pm each day and will be available in the case of an emergency. 

Road closure 

Please note that Brisbane Street between Elizabeth Street and Murray Street is currently closed to traffic until Friday 3 November 2023 as the council conducts stormwater and sewer main upgrade works. More information on the works is available on the City of Hobart website

Please allow for some minor delays and interruptions to traffic flow when navigating these road works. 


For your safety, and the safety of others, please drive with caution and be considerate and courteous of other road users at all times.

Uniform Shop

A reminder that the St Mary's College Uniform Shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.00am-4.00pm (term time) for all your school uniform needs.


For more information, visit the Uniform page on the College website or contact Uniform Shop Supervisor, Kim Abel, on 03 6108 2572 or email st.marys@midford.com.au 

Alma Mater fresh off the press!

Peek inside the latest edition of the Alma Mater, our biannual magazine for parents, carers and alumni. 

The Alma Mater features stories about the life of St Mary's College, along with alumni profiles, updates and news on upcoming alumni events. 


Copies of the magazine will be heading home with the youngest child in each family this week. Alternatively, you can view the full digital edition here


Thank you to all our wonderful alumni, staff and students who have contributed to this publication. Happy reading!

Adult Behaviour Policy

The Catholic Education Commission Tasmania Adult Behaviour Policy sets clear standards of behaviour which are expected of members of the College and wider Catholic Education Tasmania community. 


To download and view the policy, click on the link below. 

Join us at milangkani 

milangkani is our free birth-to-five program, offering an array of age-appropriate activities that promote social, emotional, cognitive learning and physical development, plus the opportunity to meet other local families. 


Sessions are held at the College on Mondays during term time, from 9.15am-10.45am. Bookings essential. 


For more information, and to register for our mailing list, visit the link on our website here. This web page is updated regularly, so watch this space for details on the next milangkani session. We'd love to see you there!