Specialist News

Visual Arts - Physical Education - Music & Performing Arts  &  STEM 

Physical Education - Mr Rees

The 3-6 Athletics was a great day with some healthy competition. Well done to all the 

students and those who will be competing in the upcoming Inter-school athletics on the 16th of August.    


Instrumental Lessons 

Our instrumental program is underway for Term 3 and we have some good news regarding our instrumental lesson room. 


After recieving some extensive storm damage last term, the room has frinally undergone repair and is available to use again. We will be transferring all of the instruments back in and lessons can now resume in there.


If your student is interrested in learnig to play an instrument, PVNPS facillitates some incredible music teachers that offer lessons for Guitar, Keyboard, Drums, Ukulele and Singing. Feel free to visit the notice board in the office and pick up some information forms containing the different classes on offer.