Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Rowena Lytton and Ms Elena Grande

100 Days of School! 

This week our wonderful Prep students celebrated their 100th day at school! In 100 days, we have learnt the letters and sounds of the alphabet, how to count, how to be a kind and caring friend, been on an excursion and so much more! 


The 100 Days of School celebrations saw the Preps rotate through all of the prep classrooms to complete an activity with each of the Prep teachers. Crowns were made and worn, fairy bread was made and eaten and students even created a gum ball machine with 100 gum balls in it! Everyone looked amazing and we hope everyone has a great day!



In Writing, the Prep Teachers asked the students what the best part of them was. They took photos and the students wrote about the best part of them and why they think it is their best asset. They did a fantastic job using their understanding of letters and sounds to write. 



We begin our week by taking part in a language experience, this week some of the prep classes made lava lamps and others took part in a bubble experience. These experiences are engaging and a whole lot of fun! They provide great writing prompts and high levels of engagement. 


Prep - 2 Sports Day

On Thursday 27th of July, the Prep students took part in their junior sports day. The students had so much fun. Thank you to Mr Rees for organising the day.


Science Works Excursion

The Prep students are off to their second excursion later this term! This term we are going to Science Works. All students should have brought home a permission note in Week 1, however attached is a spare.