

Mrs Rowena Lytton

What is Respectful Relationships?


Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is part of the Victorian Curriculum which has been included as a response to the Victorian Inquiry into Family Violence.


Students engage in age appropriate lessons covering topics such as:


- Emotional Literacy

- Personal Strengths

- Positive Coping

- Problem Solving

- Stress Management

- Help Seeking

- Gender and Identity

- Positive Gender Relationships


Pascoe Vale North Primary School includes this alongside The Resilience Project as part of our Wellbeing program.



What can you do at home to support your child?

-Talk to your child about their friendships and any challenges they have

-Practise deep breathing and other preferred calming techniques

-Talk about your day and how you solved problems

-Model respectful behaviours: the way you act and talk will be reflected in their behaviour.

-Talk about your child's trusted adults and who/where they can go if they need help