PVNPS Community News

Important Information

Premiers' Reading Challenge

The Premiers’ Reading Challenge (PRC) has just 36 days left! 


The PRC officially ends Friday 8th September 2023.Please make sure to have your books entered on the website by Monday 4th September 2023; so I can verify all the books read and finalise the challenge for our school. 


Congratulations to Gwendolyn Clark 3/4C, Angus Kendall 3/4D,  Ruby Seefeldt 3/4E & Harvey Kendall 2B, for completing the Premiers’ Reading Challenge.


Congratulations to 1B, 1C, 2A & 2C for completing the Premiers’ Reading Challenge in class. 


This year we have 213 students registered for the challenge, and so far they have read over 2800 books!


If you need any assistance to login or to enter your books please come to see me ASAP. 


Happy Reading! 

Amanda Johnson


Father's Day Stall


Thursday 31st August we will be holding our Father's Day and special others Stall.


Please read the flyer for all the information. Donations and volunteers will be needed.




Bake Stall Information


Bake Stall - it would be greatly appreciated for as many donations as possible. All monies will continue to go towards purchasing some new home readers for our stduents to be further engaged with reading at home.