Principal Report

Mrs Deborah Crane 

Term 3, Week 4


It has been an amazing start to Term 3 and I would like to thank the teachers and the students for this great start. It is lovely to hear students greeting each other and passing teachers in the mornings and I get many hello's while on yard duty too.

This is our sign of kindness towards one another.


I am taking four weeks personal leave from today, because my husband and I off to do some travelling. I am looking forward to this trip, as it was the one we planned in 2020 - I will miss my school community - but four weeks is not that long! 

I will see you all in 4 weeks!
I will see you all in 4 weeks!


Ms McAlister will be the Acting Principal in my absence. Thank you Ms McAlister for your enthsuiasm and dedication in taking on this role along with your other roles and responsibilities. 


Thank you to the many stydents and families who wished Ms McAlister and myself a 'Happy Principal's Day'. We received many acts of gratitude and appreciation. Our buckets are over flowing with kindness today.




NAPLAN assessments were held earlier this year for our year 3 and 5 students – NAPLAN is a point in time assessment that allows parents and schools to see how students are progressing in literacy and numeracy.

The data from NAPLAN is one of the tools that teachers use to understand your child’s progress and plan for their teaching and learning.

Our committed staff have worked tirelessly over the past 12 months to continually improve their practice and increase student learning growth along with their engagement.

It is fantastic to see that our work is having such a positive impact on our students engagement in their learning and this will further lead them to improve their academic outcomes. We will continue our vision ' Rise to Excellence' for our students to all reach their potential.


Community Breakfast:

Thank you to Harriet and Amanda for the initiation of our first community breakfast this term. The turnout was outstanding. It is true ' Feed them and they will come'. We are sorry for the many families who missed out on a  croissant  or a milo - we will be sure to cater for much more next time. 

Thank you to the extra volunteers who came and assisted on the morning either on the stall or in the kitchen. 

There will be another Community Breakfast in Term 4.... date to be decided, but maybe around ' RUokay' Day in October


The Parent Opinion Survey opens this Monday 7th August. It would be great if one adult in each family could complete the survey to enable us to receive feedback on how we are travelling, in your opinion. Please use the link and the school pin details to access our school's survey. 

School: Pascoe Vale North primary school

PIN:  162086



Important Reminder: NO DOGS on School Grounds

Parents are reminded that dogs are not allowed on any school grounds in Victoria. While we understand that many families have well-behaved and friendly dogs, it is crucial to prioritise the safety of our students. All dogs should be on a lead and remain outside the school grounds at all times.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support in creating a safe and conducive  learning environment  for all our students.

RESPECT our Neighbours and Road Rules:

Thank you to the majority of our families who are respectful to our neighbours and follow the parking signs and road rules. It is important to abide by these regulations for the safety of students, but also upholds our great community spirit. 

Thank you for your cooperation.


Stay well this Winter:

In Victoria, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection numbers are high among children aged 5 to 11 years, particularly in those in their first few years of school. The Victorian Department of Health expects more respiratory infections over Term 3.

Most children with flu or RSV have a mild fever, runny nose or cough. 


Keeping our School Community Well:

Parents, carers and students are encouraged to:

  • Wash and sanitise their hands regularly
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cover their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing
  • Stay at home if unwell and consult a general practitioner (GP) or                            NURSE ON CALL if needed
  • Stay up to date with flue and COIVID -19 vaccinations
  • school uniform
  • swearing and inappropraite lang to others