Important Dates

Other Important Dates Coming Up...

Friday 16 June

Assembly - Year 1

Kindy OT Screening


Saturday 17 June 

Eucharist Mass @ 6:00pm


Sunday 18 June 

Eucharist Masses @ 9:30am and 5:45pm


Tuesday 20 June

School Tour @ 9:00am


Wednesday 21 June

IEP Meetings


Thursday 22 June

IEP Meetings

Winter Carnival


Friday 23 June

IEP Meetings

Assembly - Year 3


Saturday 24 June

Eucharist Mass @ 6:00pm


Sunday 25 June

Eucharist Mass @ 9:30am


Monday 26 to Friday 30 June



Tuesday 27 June

Mini Vinnies

NAIDOC Week Mass @ 11:15am



Please refer to the School Calendar available via the Parent Hub 

on the Saint Helena's Catholic Primary School's website 

for all school dates and events and updates throughout 2023.


Staff Professional Learning Days - Student Free

Monday 4 September

Friday 22 September - Staff Catholic Day

Term Dates in 2023

Term 2: Wednesday 26 April to Friday 30 June

Term 3: Monday 17 July to Thursday 21 September

Term 4: Monday 9 October to Friday 8 December