Lifelink Day

LifeLink Day 2023

Last Wednesday, Heather, Angus and Kyarnaa-Rose from Year Six travelled to Newman College with Mr G and Miss Myles to represent St Helena’s Catholic Primary School for the Archbishop’s launch of LifeLink 2023. 


The LifeLink launch provided an opportunity for students from different Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Perth to join together to show their support for the Church’s social service agencies – agencies which reach out to provide practical care and direct assistance to thousands of people in need each year. Unfortunately, the Archbishop was unable to join in person, but he livestreamed to the auditorium to explain how the money donated to LifeLink by Catholic schools in WA helps many different agencies. More information on the agencies can be found here

Some students in Year Five have been busy making a collage representing how LifeLink agencies help those in our community. This poster was then displayed on stage at the LifeLink launch! The poster will also be showcased in the grounds of St Mary’s Cathedral on August 5th. 

Upon returning to school, Angus, Heather and Kyarna-Rose visited each class to share the Archbishop’s message and remind students of the crazy sock fundraiser the next day.


Thank you to all who wore crazy socks and donated to LifeLink WA. As a school we raised over $400 which will help these special Perth charities and agencies. Thank you!