Classroom News

Year 4 Geckos and Koalas


Wow, time surely flies when you are having fun! Who can believe we are already nearly at the end of our first Semester of Year 4! The past semester has been full of hard work and learning but also a lot of fun with our friends and our teachers!

This term in Religious Education we have been focusing on Eucharist. We have been learning about how we celebrate different events in our lives and looking at the similarities between these and how we celebrate the Eucharist. We have learnt about the connection Eucharist and Mass has with Jesus and the Last Supper and how we are called to be the model of Jesus in the world today. Last weekend and over the next two weekends, some of our Year 4 students will be receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time. We will keep our friends in our prayers at this special time.


In English this term we have been learning about the structure of narrative texts. We have been learning about how we can make our own narratives more interesting and engaging. We really focused on improving our writing by adding more detail and description by expanding noun groups. This means to add other words like adjectives and determiners to add more information about the noun including what it looks like and who it belongs to. We are hoping to include more in our writing to help us become better authors!

In Math this term we have been very busy! We started the term learning about equivalent fractions and ways to find out if two fractions are the same. We also learnt about improper fractions and how to convert these into equivalent fractions so that we can use them. We reviewed our knowledge of odd and even numbers and some of their properties. We have recently been learning about mental strategies for completing addition and subtraction sums. We are practicing our rounding skills to assist us in estimation and mental computation!

In HASS this term we have been learning about the First Fleet and the colonisation of Australia. We have researched some of the real people who came to Australia as convicts back in 1787. Did you know there were 12 ships that sailed in the First Fleet? We are starting to learn about the impact that colonisation had upon the Indigenous people of Australia.