From PFA

 Term 2 PFA Wrap-up

Dear LPS Families, 

It is hard to believe we are already halfway through the year! The PFA Committee have been working incredibly hard all year, to organise and facilitate some very successful events for our school community. 

                                                                    The years so far...$14,817.00

  • Bunnings Sausage Sizzle $2,177.00
  • Easter Raffle $2,109.00 
  • Secondhand Uniform $504.00
  • Mother’s Day stall $2,149.00
  • LPS Beanies $1,238.00 
  • Billy G’s Cookie Dough $6650.00

           Still to come…

  • Trivia Night 
  • Father’s Day Stall 
  • Cadbury Chocolate Drive 
  • Colour Run 
  • Family Portraits 
  • 2nd Uniforms Sales 

Our biggest and most successful fundraiser has been our Cookie Dough! As a school community, we sold 1650 tubs of Cookie Dough! We could never have imagined how much buzz this was going create. I want to say an incredible thank you to Sally Waterman from PFA, who coordinated this event and everyone one who rolled up their sleeves to sort prizes, create flyers and unload 1650 tubs of dough! Just incredible! 

And of course, HUGE Congratulations to our TOP Sellers Eloise Bunker and Millie King. Not sure if you will enjoy the prizes and eating the cookies more than getting the privilege of SLIMING Mr. Wight!!! Such a good sport – thank you! 

Thank you again to everyone for your support!


We hope we can continue to bring joy, laughter, and smiling faces to our school – after all that is why we volunteer!  


Kind regards, 


Melissa Cavanagh 

PFA President