Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight
Junior Years
Mr Enright:
Miss Turk:
Eliza Kiel for her amazing creativity with her writing this week.
Well done, Eliza!
Mrs Weber:
Kate Miksadfor her excellent dedication towards improving her reading.
Terrific work Kate!
Jayvir Poonifor working so well with his Buddy on his animal habitat.
Well done Jayvir!
Mr Morrison:
Aryan Chandran for organising his own belongings when asked to.
Keep up the great work Aryan.
Ava Laity for completing great writing and pictures for her animal Hanger project. Awesome Stuff Ava.
Miss Finn:
Saurav Narayan for making an effort to complete his Who Am I? Booklet.
Well done Saurav.
Nyageng Madan for always trying her hardest in every class.
Excellent job!
Mr Maskell:
Quinn Hepner for his improvement to reading and writing.
Lucas Waters for trying hard to improve his handwriting and reading.
Mr Andronaco:
Alesana Wallace for improving in her writing, and being a good classroom helper.
Great work, Alesana!
Mia Paulfor doing great in her assessment tasks, and
continuing to improve in her hand writing.
Great work Mia!
Miss Sidebottom:
Sienna Fantig for her awesome work in maths. Keep up the great work!
Nasir Elnour for having a go at all tasks with a positive attitude!
Middle Years
Mr O'Hara:
Adriyanna Del Rosario for the amazing progress she has made on her Bear Inquiry Cube.
Keep it up Adriyanna!
Marlee Lancaster for creating an awesome Repeated Subtraction Caterpillar.
Great Work Marlee!
Mr Secchi:
Difna Nanayakkara for the excellent procedure writing on ‘How to Cook an Egg’.
She used creativity to present her work in the shape of an egg and wrote
clear and concise instructions. Well done, Difna!
Mahrosh Fayyaz for her excellent work in maths.
She has been showing great improvement in her recall speed an accuracy of her 2, 5 and 10s times tables. Well done, Mahrosh!
Mr Renato:
Bentley Corbo for being able to follow classroom instruction and complete learning tasks independently. Bentley has been growing into a role model for other students in the room. Well-Done Bentley
Rayan Vimal for creating a text to world sentence using the Phillip Bunting book about
the use of solar panels.
Well- Done Rayan
Mrs Dainton:
Marley Henderson for the neat presentation of her work and for the high standard of her homework tasks
Will Keel for his endeavours and enthusiasm in mathematics.
Will gives his best at all times.
Mr Howley:
Merri for the use of alliteration in her newspaper article about
the “Seal Stealing Seafood”.
Violet Henderson for her very comprehensive note-taking in reading.
Senior Years
Mr Beks:
Eddy Freeman for being a great role model to the other Grade 5s, consistently trying his best and always following Lindon Beks classroom rules and expectations.
Mason Laity for being a consistently well behaved, respectful and hard-working student who is achieving some great results.
Mr Lindon:
Nimrat Kaur for consistently applying herself well to all learning tasks and for always treating everyone with kindness. Well done Nimrat!
Jack Skipper for being a consistently well behaved, respectful and hard-working student who is achieving some great results.
Mr Iorianni:
Isabelle Pensak for her comprehension strategy of predicting this week.
Isabelle looked for clues, and applied her learning very well!
Ruby Hoare for her positive attitude, enthusiasm and kindness she brings to the classroom. Ruby is always quick to put others first. Well done Ruby!
Mr Thompson:
Ahem Brar for displaying fantastic dance skills during the arts of show performance.
Miss Mangiameli
Alexander Watkins for his excellent ability to try new things in his learning, even when he isn’t sure. He will always have a go!
Eva Kyriakou for always putting her best efforts in her learning.
Eva always has a high standard of beautiful work and does her best!
Well done Eva!