
Wow - it's been half a year of Prep already!

Our Prep students have completed half a year of school! They have learnt so much and we are so proud of them. Some of the ways they have grown are:

😀 how to independently enter the classroom and organise themselves for the day 

😀 playing safely in the playground and managing their choices and behaviour

😀 making new friends and including others 

😀 learning the whole alphabet and initial sounds

😀 developing a sense of community by going to Tribes and expanding their friendships with students from other levels

Additionally, we have learnt so much in the classroom about how to read, write, use numbers and engage in school life.

What a terrific half a year we've had - we can't wait for what's to come!


Winter is here ❄️

We have celebrated the beginning of Winter and discussed the changes we have seen in the weather, the school ground, our clothing choices, food and activities. We have completed some wonderful work related to Winter such as:

❄️ writing a sensory poem

❄️ learning about information texts and reading about penguins

❄️ responding to prompts like 'I love Winter because...'

We have included some work below to showcase some of our learning.

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Halfway through the term, our students started bringing their iPads to school. Our Preps have become very responsible about bringing their iPads to school, storing them and operating them effectively.  As the year goes on, we have lots of exciting learning opportunities planned for the Preps to use these learning tools. Stay tuned!

The Preps are using their iPads to solve their CBL challenge!
The Preps are using their iPads to solve their CBL challenge!


Throughout the term, the Preps have been busy learning about Power - they power that they have as people, and the power they have to make a positive impact on the world. This week, students are completing the CBL challenge 'Share how your Power can make a difference in the world'. Some of the ways that Prep students want to meet the challenge are to:

🍃Pick up rubbish to clean the school, and to prevent it from entering waterways and hurting animals

🍃Turn off lights to save electricity, and turn off taps to save water

🍃Use kinds words be a bucket filler to teachers and friends

The images below show some of our brainstorm around the CBL challenge.