Grade 1 and 2

Our Grade One and Two students have had a busy term investigating 'Power'.
Our students were given the opportunity to move around the classrooms, learning about different ways electricity can be made.
Students were supported in created a definition of the words 'renewable' and 'non renewable' resources in regards to electricity production.
Creating a Solar Oven, and then attempting to cook some s'mores in it, proved quite the challenge! Whilst some students had success, upon reflection all agreed, a warmer, sunnier day would have helped our experiment!
Many thanks to families who were able to send in materials to support this experiment.
Star of the Week and Class Pet
Many students have already had the opportunity to be our class 'Star of the Week' or take home the 'Class Pet'. We appreciate your support of your child with these programs.
Reconciliation Week
Students enjoyed hearing stories during National Reconciliation Week.