School Council News

We warmly welcome six new members to the WPPS School Council for 2023, and offer our gratitude to Matt Kohler (former president), Cindy Norman, Ross Costin-Licitra, Kerri Allen, Rachael Gopal and Kristy Dinnison for their dedication and hard work during their tenures.
The 2023 School Council members are:
Parent Representatives: Michelle Rose (President), Jane Smith (Vice President), Brett Powell (Treasurer), Jodie Winterton, Narelle Evans, Jo Allen, Natalie Whittle, Travis Reid, Sam Philp, Chris Hollyman
DET Representatives: Julie Crawford, Adele Brice, Terri Gioia, Natasha Tymensen, Natalie McKinnon (Burch Memorial Preschool)
We have an energetic and enthusiastic school council, who are all working towards a shared goal of supporting our brilliant school to thrive, and making decisions with students’ best interests and the school’s vision and values at the forefront of our minds. Learn more about the school council’s role and responsibilities here.
Parents are always welcome to attend school council meetings or join a sub-committee : Environment, Buildings and Grounds; Education and Child Safe; Partnerships; and Grants. You can contact the school council via email:
It’s been a busy start to the year, with multiple projects and events under way including the transfer of management of Burch Memorial Preschool to WPPS and several enhancements to the school grounds.
Last year we asked the community for feedback as we reviewed options for a canteen service.
We have been working hard to find a solution that suits the school, students and families, while also addressing significant resourcing, cost and capacity challenges. We have explored numerous avenues, but are yet to find a viable solution.
We will continue to investigate potential opportunities as they arise. If you have any ideas or may be able to assist with running a canteen service in the future, we would love to hear from you!
We are thrilled that plans for the new music room have now been approved, with construction to start over the school holidays and expected to be finished by the end of Term 3. We look forward to seeing this much-needed space come to fruition.
We are delighted to have received a $45,000 grant from Bendigo Bank towards our new creative play space, which will provide another enriching area for students to explore and enjoy.
The Education and Child Safe sub-committee recently reviewed the school visitors policy and now seek community feedback before it goes before school council to be ratified. You can view the policy on the Acting Principal's page and if you have any questions or comments, please contact Adele Brice.
The following school policies have all been recently updated and will be available on the Policies page of the school website:
- After School Basketball Policy
- Asthma policy
- Medication policy
- Health Care Needs Policy
Our Partnerships sub-committee is busily planning several events for the second half of 2023, including:
- July 14: School disco at Federation Estate
- July 29: Trivia night at Federation Estate
- August 9: Pie drive
- October 14: Gala dinner at Vue on Halcyon
- Date TBC: Car rally
Save the dates and keep an eye out for further information!
Michelle Rose
School Council President