Student Wellbeing

Jocelyn Hollyman

Hi Everyone, 

I hope you were able to enjoy a lovely long weekend! Each newsletter I will try to include information about Student Wellbeing. 



The first point of call for all concerns regarding your child is their classroom teacher. If you have any concerns or important information to share please make a time to chat to your child’s classroom teacher. This can be done in person, by ringing the Office or via email.  Please remember you cannot email teachers directly. All emails must come through the school office. It is helpful if you put your child’s teacher’s name in the subject area. Teachers would love to support you and your child and will do their best if they are aware of what is going on. 



Friendship Fires

In Friendology, disagreements are referred to as ‘Friendship Fires’. 

In the coming weeks students will be discussing:

-Disagreements are a normal part of relationships because as humans we have different likes, dislikes and opinions.

-Using your words to solve problems yourself ‘Talk it out until the fire is out’

For example: “When ... happened, I felt ” 

-Know when to ask for help solving problems

-How to give an apology

Friendship Fires
Friendship Fires

Mean on Purpose

This is different from a friendship fire. It is unacceptable behaviour! (For example: intentional name calling or hitting)

Students will discuss strategies for dealing with mean on purpose behaviour:

-Say something to acknowledge that the behaviour is not okay

-“Stop that!”

-“That’s not cool.”

-“You need to apologise.”

-“That was mean!”

-After that students need to tell their teacher what has happened so the student can be spoken to.


*Remember that you can visit the URSTRONG website and join as a parent -


Take care

Jocelyn Hollyman 😃

Student Wellbeing Program Coordinator