Mulgoa Senior Leaders Forum

School Captains, Natalie Narvaiza and Alan Dan

from Natalie Narvaiza -  School Captain

Last Wednesday,  29 May, Alan and I were invited by Tanya Davies MP to the Parliament House of NSW to attend the Mulgoa Senior Leaders Forum. We participated in many activities including an introduction by Tanya Davies, discussions on leadership and speeches by various MPs.


Tanya talked about her journey to politics and through this we learnt about the kind of journey that would lead you to a political career.  In her story, Tanya did not start off being interested in politics at all, this was a surprising fact and displayed that people may find their passion later on in life.


We were also lucky enough to meet with the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning - Sarah Mitchell, who taught us about what she does for New South Wales and how she gained her position. We also met the Minister for Customer Service - Victor Dominello, who spoke about his journey to politics and discussed his beliefs in the future of technology.


from Alan Dan - School Captain

After a group session, we accompanied Tanya for a tour of the Parliament House and had a glimpse into the life as a member of Parliament.  We were shown their day-to-day routines, work spaces and even had a taste of their cafe. Through this, we learnt about the type of environment that government workers operated in and also the duties that they undertook on a daily basis.


To end the day, the senior leaders were invited to a legislative assembly where we saw our very own politicians in action. We bore witness to how the assembly was run and how politicians interacted with each other, especially during a round of Question Time. This assembly allowed us to understand the current goings on in our government and it also showed us how things were run.


This forum was extremely insightful and as school captains, we gained the knowledge and advice which we will use to become better leaders. We’d like to give a huge thanks to Tanya Davies and her team for organising the day and having us for a valuable and interesting experience.


We were also lucky enough to have the opportunity to provide all this insight to the rest of the SRC team. We explained how leadership could be used in the wider community and how this can also be implemented in the Cecil Hills High School community.