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Our 20th anniversary sponsors - we thank you
About Aidacare
Aidacare is the leading provider of ward based equipment and rehabilitation products to Aged Care facilities, Hospitals, Physio and Occupational Therapists and private retail clients in Australia. We have 14 locations across NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia, and together with our Network Partners you can be sure we service your area in both Metro and Regional centres.
We are a contracted supplier to the Transport Accident Commission in Victoria and Department of Veteran Affairs. Additionally, we service many of the leading insurance providers and Government / not for profit funding bodies responsible for managing the healthcare of thousands of Australians.
Contact your local Aidacare office on 1300 133 120 to discuss how we can be of service to you, a loved one or a client.
Would you like to promote your business?
Contact Deputy Principal (Mrs Denise James)
our 20th Anniversary celebrations coordinator, at to find out how we can help you.